Spectra StorCycle Solution : Product Overview : Features

The Spectra StorCycle solution includes the following features:
Spectra StorCycle User Interface
The user interface can be accessed over an Ethernet network using Google® Chrome™ version 75 or later, on Windows, macOS®, and Linux. It is used to perform configuration and management tasks on the solution and to view system messages.
MultipleSupported Sources
The Spectra StorCycle solution running on a Linux server supports NFS and running on a Windows server supports CIFS/SMB sources.
Multiple Supported Destinations
The Spectra StorCycle solution supports migrating / storing data to multiple destinations including:
Control of Storage Resources and Performance
Storage locations can be configured to control peak time versus non-peak time activity.
File Scanning
The Spectra StorCycle solution scans source directories to determine the age and size of files.
Scheduled Scanning, Migrating / Storing, and Restoring
Schedules can be set for scanning, data migration / storing, and restoring projects. Scanning and data migration / storing project can include recurring schedules.
Include and Exclude Filters for Migrating / Storing
For migrate / store projects, the files to include can be filtered by file types to include, directories to exclude, file sizes to include, and file ages to include. Based on this information, the Migrate / Store wizard determines how much data can be migrated / stored and the resulting cost savings.
File Packing
For the BlackPearl system, you can select whether data should be packed into larger files for transfer. The Spectra StorCycle solution features both ZIP and TAR packing protocols.
Migrate / Store Tags
Tags are a way to add metadata to the migrate / store operation. Users can add any number of tags to a migrate / store operation. When restoring data, you can search for the tag to determine from which migrate / store job to restore data.

1-800-833-1132 : 1-303-449-6400