Configure Active Directory / LDAP


The StorCycle solution uses the domains configured on the server, including multiple domains, to access a DNS (Domain Name System) to resolve UNC (Universal Naming Convention) paths over the domain and uses Active Directory / LDAP to verify restore users are valid on the domain.
StorCycle does not support anonymous requests to Active Directory / LDAP. In order to receive e-mail updates, users must have valid Active Directory / LDAP credentials.

If desired, use the instructions below to configure Active Directory / LDAP.

1. Click Settings in the toolbar and then select Active Directory / LDAP. The Active Directory / LDAP Settings screen displays showing the current Active Directory / LDAP settings.

Figure 11 The Active Directory / LDAP Settings screen.

2. Click Configure Active Directory / LDAP. The Active Directory / LDAP Settings dialog box displays.

Figure 12 The Active Directory / LDAP Settings dialog box without Use OpenLDAP.

3. Enter the Active Directory Domain Name in the format
4. Select whether or not to Use OpenLDAP. If you select Use OpenLDAP, continue with Configure Active Directory / LDAP Using OpenLDAP.
5. Enter a User, in the format user@domain, and Password for a user authorized to make Active Directory / LDAP queries.
6. Enter the IP address or hostname for the Active Directory / LDAP Server.
7. If desired, modify the Active Directory / LDAP Server Port to connect to the Active Directory server.
8. Select or clear the TLS check box. If selected, the StorCycle solution uses secure SSL/TLS to connect to the server. Spectra Logic recommends enabling SSL/TLS. The StorCycle solution supports TLS 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2.
9. Select or clear Allow any Active Directory / LDAP user to restore. If selected, any Active Directory / LDAP user on the domain can restore files even if they are not configured as a StorCycle user. These users can only restore files using an HTML link.
Note: Restore only Active Directory / LDAP users count against the licensed user limit.

If you selected Allow any Active Directory / LDAP user to restore, select whether to limit the amount of data an AD / LDAP user can restore each day and if selected, enter the daily limit. The daily limit is from midnight to midnight UTC.

10. Click Submit to save the Active Directory / LDAP settings.

Clear Active Directory / LDAP Settings

To clear Active Directory / LDAP Settings, click Clear Configuration on the Active Directory / LDAP Settings screen. A confirmation screen displays. Click Clear Config to confirm.