Enable Encryption

The StorCycle supports single key encryption on NAS, Spectra NAS, and BlackPearl targets. The key is saved in memory. If the server reboots, the password must be reentered.


Safely store the encryption password. If you lose the encryption password, you are not be able to access the data stored by the StorCycle solution after a server reboot.


Once encryption is enabled and the encryption password is set, it cannot be disabled and the password cannot be changed.


StorCycle Encryption does not protect the file name and metadata information on the target.


Only Crypto Officer users can set the encryption password.

Note: Using encryption may have a performance impact on the server CPU.

Use the following instructions to set an encryption password.

1. Click Settings in the toolbar and then select Encryption. The Encryption screen displays.

Figure 34 The Encryption screen.

2. Click Set Password. The Encryption dialogue box displays.

Figure 35 The Encryption dialog box.

3. Enter and re-enter a password.
4. Enter contact information for one or more Crypto Officers who can be contacted if the encryption password must be re-entered. You cannot enable encryption without providing contact information for a Crypto Officer.


It is important to have up to date Crypto Officer contact information because Migrate / store jobs to encrypted targets or restores from encrypted targets fail until the encryption password is re-entered after a StorCycle server reboot.

5. Click Submit.
6. Securely store the encryption password.


If you lose the encryption password, you are not able to access the data stored by the StorCycle solution after a server reboot.

After enabling encryption and setting the encryption password, you can configure new storage locations to use encryption. See Configuring Storage for more information.