Linked Instances

Configure linked instances to search for data managed by other StorCycle solution installations. The linked instance can be on the same server platform (Windows or Linux) or a different platform.

Note: All StorCycle instances must be at StorCycle version 3.5.0 to be linked.

Use the instructions below to configure a linked instance.

1. Click Settings in the toolbar and then select Linked Instances. The Linked Instances screen displays showing all currently configured linked instances.
Note: Linked instances are not bi-directional. If you want StorCycle instance A and StorCycle instance B to be able to search the other's managed data, you need to create a linked instance from StorCycle instance A to StorCycle instance B and then another from StorCycle instance B to StorCycle instance A.

Figure 32 The Linked Instances screen.

2. Click New Linked Instance. The New Linked Instance dialog box displays.

Figure 33 The New Linked Instance dialog box.

3. Enter a unique Name for the linked instance.
4. If desired, enter a Description for the linked instance.
5. Enter the Endpoint for the linked instance in the format Do not include /app. If the StorCycle instance does not use the default port, add :XXX to the endpoint, where XXXis the port number.
6. Enter the Username and enter and confirm the Password for a user configured on the StorCycle instance to which you are linking.
7. Click Create to configure the linked instance. The connection to the link instance is verified and the status displays on the Linked Instances screen.






The StorCycle solution successfully connected to the linked instance.


The StorCycle solution could not connect to the linked instance. Hover over the icon for more information.

8. If necessary, repeat this process starting with Step 2 to add additional linked instances.

Edit a Linked Instance

To edit a linked instance, click Edit next to the linked instance on the Linked Instances screen (see Figure 32). Edit the Description, Username, or Password as desired and click Update.

Delete a Linked Instance

To delete a linked instance, click Delete next to the linked instance on the Linked Instances screen (see Figure 32). A confirmation screen displays. Click Delete to confirm the linked instance deletion.