The StorCycle solution includes an extensive Reports section to allow users to get the most from their investment. All reports are visible in the web interface and are exportable to Comma Separated Value (CSV) and Javascript Object Notation (JSON) format.
Figure 108 The Reports screen. |
Reports are provided in three major categories:
Settings and Configuration — Configuration information, such as software version; Users; Departments; Storage Location settings; Projects.
Jobs and Status — Logs; Migrate / Store, Restore, and Scan Jobs; Data Transfers; Catalogs (list); Cost Savings by Department; System Messages; Delete Jobs.
Catalogs — List of migration / store catalogs. Click Details to see the name, description, created time, updated time, type, created by, and project name information for the catalog. Click List to see a list of objects included in the catalog and the original path for the file.
Figure 109 The Catalog File Listing screen. |
Click Save as CSV or Save as JSON at the bottom of the list to save the list.