Mount Linux Storage Devices

Prior to configuring NAS storage in the StorCycle solution, mount the storage device(s) using the following commands.

1. Create a directory.

sudo mkdir ./mount-point

2. Mount the share to the created directory.

For NFS shares, use the following:

sudo mount -t nfs server:/directory /mount-point

For CIFS shares, use the following:

sudo mount -t cifs -o username="user",password="password",domain="domain",iocharset=utf8, dir_mode=0755 //uncpath/to/share /mount-point

Note: In order for users to use symbolic links to access files in secondary storage, the share must be mounted on the StorCycle Linux server using the same mount point used by all users of the primary storage. For example, if users of the primary storage mount 'nas_server/share1' as 'mnt/share1', then the StorCycle server must also mount it as 'mnt/share1'. If the StorCycle server instead uses a different mount point, symbolic links created by the StorCycle solution will not provide access to the file.

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