Configure SMTP

If desired configure SMTP to associate the Spectra StorCycle solution with an email server to send messages.

Note: To use the Send Request to Administrator HTML links, SMTP must be configured and an email address must be configured for the Administrator user (see Edit a User).


Use the instructions below to configure SMTP.

1. Click Settings in the toolbar and then select SMTP. The SMTP screen displays showing the current SMTP settings.

Figure 22 The SMTP screen.

2. Click Configure SMTP. The Configure SMTP dialog box displays.

Figure 23 The Configure SMTP dialog box.

3. Enter the IP address or the server name for the SMTP Server.
4. Enter the SMTP Port to use to connect to the SMTP server.
5. Select Plain, Login, or CramMD5 for the SMTP Authentication type.
6. In the SMTP User field, enter the username used to authenticate connection to the SMTP server.
7. Enter the Password associated with the SMTP User and confirm the password.
8. In the From Address field, enter the email address used as the sender for email notifications.
9. Click Submit to save the SMTP configuration.