Configure Users

Configure users to manage access to the server.


The number of users may be restricted by the license installed. See Licensing for more information.
Only a Crypto Officer can configure another Crypto Officer. The default 'administrator' login is a Crypto Officer.

Use the instructions below to configure a new user.

1. Click Settings in the toolbar and then select Users. The Users screen displays showing all users currently configured in the software.

Figure 14 The Users screen.

2. Click New User. The New User dialog box displays.

Figure 15 The New User dialog box.

3. Enter the Username for the user. If you are using Active Directory Domain user, the username must match the Active Directory user name.


Usernames are NOT case sensitive.
Usernames must be unique. You cannot have a local user and an Active Directory user with the same username.
4. Enter the user’s Full Name.
5. If Active Directory / LDAP is not configured, continue with Non-Domain User.

If Active Directory / LDAP is configured, select the Domain, or if the user is not an Active Directory user, select Non-domain User.

Note: If Active Directory / LDAP is not configured, the Domain drop-down does not display.
If you selected Non-Domain User, continue with Non-Domain User.
If you selected a Domain, continue with Domain User.
6. If necessary, repeat this process starting with Step 2 to add additional users.

Edit a User

To edit a user, click Edit next to the user on the Users screen (see Figure 14). Edit the Full Name, Email, Password, User Role, and Notifications (see Configure Users for more information) as desired and click Update. If you want to change the username of a user, delete the user and then recreate the user with the new name.

Note: To use the Send Request to Administrator HTML links, SMTP must be configured (see Configure SMTP) and an email address must be configured for the Administrator user.

Send a Test Email

To send a test email to a user, click Send Test Email next to the user on the User screen (see Figure 14). The email is sent immediately.

Delete a User

To delete a user, click Delete next to the user on the User screen (see Figure 14). A confirmation screen displays. Click Delete to confirm the user deletion.