Enter Non-Spectra NAS Storage Location Information

Note: If you enter a BlackPearl NAS system or Verde NAS system as a Non-Spectra NAS storage location, it will count against the Non‑Spectra NAS storage access limit for licensing. See Licensing for more information.

If you select the Non-Spectra NAS storage type, the dialog box updates to display the following fields:

Figure 50 The New Storage Location Non‑Spectra NAS Device dialog box.

1. For Storage Location Type, select whether the storage location will act as a Source or a Target.
2. Click Next. The Spectra NAS Storage Location Details dialog box displays.

Figure 51 The New Storage Location Non‑Spectra NAS Details dialog box (target shown).

3. Enter the file system Server Path to the NAS mount point (\\server\path or full UNIX path /mnt/point).


Storage location source paths should not overlap. For example:

The storage location server path should not be a sub-directory of an existing storage location path.
The storage location server path should not have as a sub-directory an existing storage location path.
The storage location server path cannot be the same as an existing storage location path with different capitalization.
4. For a target storage location, if desired, select the Retention Policy check box and enter or select the desired number of days to retain files on this storage location before the StorCycle solution automatically deletes the files for compliance or capacity recovery. Clear the Retention Policy check box to keep files permanently. See Retention Policy Best Practices for more information.
Note: Retention policies are only supported for data center and enterprise licenses. See Licensing for more information.
5. If desired, select the Encrypt Target check box to encrypt data sent to this target location. Clear the Encrypt Target check box if you do not want data sent to the target encrypted. See Enable Encryption for more information.
Note: Only Crypto Officer users can enable encryption.
6. Use the drop-down menu to select either:

Test and Submit the Storage Location

1. Click Test Location to verify that the server can connect to the storage location. If the StorCycle solution does not return a check mark indicating it can communicate with the storage location, you must resolve the error before submitting the location.
2. Click Submit to save the project. to save the storage location.
3. If necessary, repeat these steps, starting with Step 2 in Configuring Storage to configure additional storage locations.