Cancel a Migrate / Store Job

To cancel an active migrate / store job, click Cancel next to the job on the Migrate / Store screen (see Figure 75) or the Active and Completed Jobs screen (see Figure 103). A confirmation screen displays. Click Cancel Job to confirm the cancellation.

The StorCycle solution leaves the data selected for transfer in the migrate / store job in whatever completion state it was in when the job cancellation command was received. No rollback occurs. For example, if some, but not all files were already transferred, they are not removed from the target. If all files were transferred and the source file replacement was started before the job was canceled, the source files are not replaced in the source directory.


If you cancel a migrate / store job that uses a BlackPearl system as the target, and the final storage target of the BlackPearl data policy is offline or unavailable, the job stays in a “canceling” state until the final storage target is back online so that the data in process can persist to the final storage target.

Canceling a migrate / store job does not stop recurring migrate / store projects from running again. To stop a project with a recurring schedule from running again, see Disable a Migrate / Store Project.