
Select Jobs to display the Recent Jobs screen.

Figure 103 The Recent Jobs screen.


While the job is active, hovering over the total bytes for the job in the Job State column displays the job performance, see .

Figure 104 Job performance for a scan job.

The Scan, Migrate / Store, and Restore Dashboards also display recent jobs of the corresponding type.

The Recent Jobs screen displays the following information:



Job Name

The name of the job. The name uses the Project name defined when configuring the project and a number indicating how many times the project was previously run.


The type of job. Values include Backup Database, Scan, Store, Scan and Store, and Restore.


The storage location used as the source for the job.

Note: This will be empty for a database backup.


The storage location(s) used as the target(s) for the job.

Note: This will be empty for scan and restore jobs or migrate / store jobs that have been deleted.

Start Time

The date and time the job started.

Complete Time

The date and time the job completed.

Job State

The status of the job. Values include: Active, Canceled, Canceling, Completed, Completed: Errors, Completed: Warnings, Deleted, and Failed.

Job Details

Click the Job Name or the Job State to display the Job Details dialog box.

Note: Job Details can also be seen by clicking the Job Name or the Job State on the Scan, Migrate / Store, or Restore screen.

Select the Job Details - Job Tab tab or the Job Details - Project Tab tab.

Note: Delete jobs created by retention policies do not include a Project tab.