The dashboard provides a quick graphical display of available resources and cost saving gained by using the StorCycle solution. More detail can be seen in StorCycle reports (see Reports).
Migrated Data — The Migrated Data pane displays the amount of data migrated by source storage location, and if departments are configured, by department. Hovering your mouse over a colored section of a graph displays the storage location or department represented by the color and the associated amount of data. Clicking a pane displays a table representation of the information in the two graphs.
Storage Cost Savings — The Storage Cost Savings pane displays the money saved by transferring data from high cost primary storage to lower cost secondary storage. If Cost/TiB or Department is not entered for storage locations (see Configure Storage), this section displays zero cost savings. Hovering your mouse over a colored section of a graph displays the storage location or department represented by the color and the associated cost savings. Clicking the pane displays a table representation of the information in the two graphs.
Target Storage — The Target Storage pane displays the used space and object count on target Storage Locations. Hovering your mouse over a colored section of a graph displays the storage location or object count represented by the color and the associated amount of data or count. Clicking the pane displays a table representation of the information in the two graphs.
Licenses — The License pane displays the available and used licensed users and non-Spectra storage, and the license key expiration date. Hovering your mouse over a colored section of a graph displays the number of users licensed and used or the amount of data licensed or used. Clicking the pane displays a table representation of the information in the two graphs. The background color for the Next Key Expiration information indicates how soon the key expires.
• | White — More than 30 days. |
• | Yellow — Less than 30 days. |
• | Red — Expired. |
Job Performance — The Job Performance pane displays the MiB/s performance for recent jobs. Hovering your mouse over a bar in the graph displays the job associated with the performance number. Clicking the pane displays a table representation of the information in the graph.
It also displays the date and time for the last successful Database Backup. The background color for the Database Backup status indicates the age of the last successful backup.
• | White — Less than one day old. |
• | Yellow — One to seven days old. |
• | Red — Greater than seven days old. |
Clicking the database backup summary information takes you to the Database Backup dashboard (see Configure a Database Backup).
Jobs - The Jobs pane displays currently active jobs with their progress, and any queued jobs. Queued jobs can be promoted to the next job to run by clicking the Run icon next to the job name.
Completed Scans — The bottom of the dashboard displays graphs showing the breakdown of the age and size of the files in each storage location based on the cumulative scan per location. See Scanning Overview for more information on how scan graphs are created and updated.